The Dehradun Chapter has a wonderful evening with the National President and Team Goa Chapter at Dehradun. The NP has an insightful mindset on Learning, Training and Development. We had discussed many points and came on common outcomes.

The Dehradun Chapter has a wonderful evening with the National President and Team Goa Chapter at Dehradun. The NP has an insightful mindset on Learning, Training and Development. We had discussed many points and came on common outcomes.
In the current scenario of emerging technologies and digitalization, it is difficult to manage business. The global competition is also challenging the business performance. The human resource is becoming day by day more demanding and their retention is big challenge. Right skilling at right time is the need of the hour. Knowledge management is also on important aspect for the business management. Considering all these challenges, this conference is planned.
Key objectives of the Conference are knowledge sharing on management in digital era, productivity enhancement tools and strategic management for business excellence. The role of CSR, its statutory requirementand Creative Business Practices on H.R.M. will also be part of the Conference.